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Friday, August 12, 2022

World Traveler from Belgium

For who don't know me...
The country of chocolat, over 400 beers, Belgian fries and so many comic book series as Tintin and the Smurfs, is where I come from. Yes! Belgium the country where famous comic figures were born. But also I was born there. 
'What have I done wrong in another life', is a question I asked myself already many times. That I was born there, while there are so many nice countries in the world. 
A country so tiny that is split into a French and a Dutch speaking part, but dislikes each other. A country that welcomes Muslim immigrants but meanwhile hate them so much and call them 'makakken'. With other words 'apes'. Brown apes. 
The country with Brussels as capital city of Belgium, but also capital city of Europe. For sure when it comes to politics and European law decisions. 
A king is the ruler, coming from a family that went to colonize Congo. There the king that time, many years ago decided to cut of the hands and sometimes the feet from the people. Cutting hands was the method to punish the black Congolese slaves, let me call it 'workers'. Workers from what some of them ended up in Belgium in the human Zoo, where visitors could watch lively how a Congolese lived and acted. An attraction for the white people, just as a Zoo ape, - as the real 'macaco'.
Another famous thing about Belgium is the 'Mr Pee' statue. A very little statue, located in the heart of Brussels that pees continuous and wear everyday a new uniform.
Since Mr Pee is 400 years old, he deserved a 'girlfriend'. So, since a few years there is now also a Miss Pee', another little statue that enjoy continuously peeing so much as her boyfriend. 
Not to forget that Belgium is also famous for Marc Dutroux, the biggest pedophile on earth, who killed many children after making porn movies with them, from what some of them died from hungry, after being locked up for a long time in the basements of the many houses he had. 
This is Belgium!
But not to forget, Belgium have, - believe it or not, some good and interesting things.
Techno music was founded there and still every year you have Tomorrowland where 400 thousand people comes to see world's famous DJ's. All based from what once started with new beat music, a slower beat then techno that increased in speed and beats by minute and became that time techno.
The new beat period was filled with slightly crazy attitudes. Uniforms and shirts with pictures of death people on. Shoes with iron tips and sounds filled with sexual and drugs oriented songs were in. Mercedes and Volkswagen cars started to lose there stars, being pulled out by new beat fans who used it as uniform decorations, while the proud car owners could see that their nice cars got damaged by this behaviour of stealing the logo on their vehicles. 
But so much drugs got involved that after a short time many Belgian night clubs needed to close their doors. The end of new beat and the techno was born. 
Anyway, that is from where I come and so I decided to live in other countries.
Already over 15 years I am traveling and living in different countries. USA, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Portugal, the Philippines. Places where it is nice warm. Belgium is too cold for me and I feel me home in countries with palm trees, coconut and olive trees.
As a triple amputee without legs and one arm, it sounds more difficult to travel, but the airport help is the best one when it comes to traveling and I anyway like to do things what most people with two legs and two arms mostly don't do.
Living in the dangerous slums from Rio de Janeiro and being for weeks stuck in an airport were a part of that. 
At this moment I am still in Kenya, but in a few days I have my flight back to the Philippines.

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