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Tuesday, November 17, 2020

God, give me a call,... If you exist

Even as an amputee you can be very religious. At least, what I was as a two legged child. 
My grandmother told me that God really existed so I went with her to the churches and even went there every day, when I started to serve the church as a priest helper and even started to sing for them. 
There came even a day that in the weekends I went over to the sisters and helped to work in their garden.
When I asked a day to the priest or God exist and how he knows he became very upset and told me: 'Or you believe or not'
I stopped church and discovered that watching old black and white movies are far more interesting then church visits. 

Life went on till my sister killed herself 14 days after my brother died from cancer.
Where was God now? My whole family gone, dead... On a few years only. Mother, father, uncle, all... 
When I traveled to Brazil and have seen a child around the age of 7, dead on a piece of carton, it was clear for me that there is no God. 

Good that there exist science and not a fairytale book wherein a creature open the sea and then saying that God allowed that his son was nailed on the cross.
Nice father. Daddy can not find a free woman and decided to grab Mary who wasn't single. I have two children but I will not nail them. 

Amazing dumb is what people can be to believe in this all. Did they have seen God or one of his family members? 
Jesus the survivor of the world? He was married with the prostitute Maria Magdalena and had two children; And that is real proven history. 

The church, cathedral's worldwide filled with gold, but meanwhile millions of people die from hungry. If there is a God, he don't need gold and ornaments.
If the real creator exist and his son is the survivor... Why millions suffer right now thanks to a Corona virus? And that is only one example of this planets suffers. 
And do we forget the holly inquisition? 

As an amputee even living in the slumber of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, -I helped about 10 street children daily. Even that my girlfriend told me that I couldn't safe the whole planet. 
My answer was that it is better to help 10 instead of no one and better then a God that prefer to let them die from hungry.

How many times don't we hear about the many pedophile priests as in Belgium, or even corrupt priests in my city of birth that recently kept thousands of Euro's behind.

I prefer to believe in reality and the things you see and have proofs of existence.
We can believe in everything we want. Even the Aliens came to earth. Freedom of religion and speech. I keep it with my religion and that is no religion. 

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